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Home / Concentrates / LimOranka - Sugar-free Ranja 1+28
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LimOranka - Sugar-free Ranja 1+28

More and more attention is being paid to a healthy lifestyle. It is important to help young people with this from an early age. Sugar is addictive, your taste buds get used to it, making it harder to ignore. Oranka wants to contribute and has therefore developed a sugar-free lemonade that of course also tastes good.


The LimOranka lemonades can be prepared in various ways.
Oranka has several solutions and presentation materials to offer LimOranka to your guests in an attractive way.

The capacity of our loaner equipment ranges from 10 litres of ready-to-use product to as much as 348 litres! (Illustrated) This means that up to 1,750 drinks can be served without refilling!

Advantages include consistent quality and less staff needed for refilling.