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Home / Tea / Althaus - Loose Tea / Rooibos Vanilla Toffee (6 x 250 g)

Rooibos Vanilla Toffee (6 x 250 g)

Rooibos Vanilla Toffee (6 x 250 g) Rooibos Vanilla Toffee (6 x 250 g)
Rooibos Vanilla Toffee (6 x 250 g) Rooibos Vanilla Toffee (6 x 250 g)
Rooibos Vanilla Toffee (6 x 250 g)
The aroma of tempting vanilla and exquisite toffee brings out the slightly sweet taste of this naturally caffeine-free rooibos.

Product number



Use three teaspoons of tea in a small teapot (0.4 liters). Pour fresh boiling water over it and let it steep for 5-10 minutes.