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Home / Mono packs / Fresh Pressed Orange juice 1.0L / Orange juice Fresh Squeezed (12x1000ml)

Orange juice Fresh Squeezed (12x1000ml)

Orange juice Fresh Squeezed (12x1000ml) Orange juice Fresh Squeezed (12x1000ml) Orange juice Fresh Squeezed (12x1000ml)
Orange juice Fresh Squeezed (12x1000ml) Orange juice Fresh Squeezed (12x1000ml) Orange juice Fresh Squeezed (12x1000ml)
Orange juice Fresh Squeezed (12x1000ml)
100% freshly squeezed orange juice

Product number


This product is not in stock.

Preparation method

Shake before use.


Best before: see packaging.
Keep closed at max. 18°C.
After opening the packaging, store for 5 days in the refrigerator (max. 7°C).


The box contains 12 x 1 litre tetra packs.